Zmiany i poprawki do przepisów lotniczych w wersji 65 (2024)

IATA (Międzynarodowa Organizacja Lotnictwa Cywilnego) opublikowała listę najważniejszych zmian do 65. wydania przepisów dotyczących towarów niebezpiecznych. Załączamy listę ze zmianami  Poniższa lista ma pomóc użytkownikowi w zidentyfikowaniu głównych zmian
wprowadzonych w tym wydaniu i nie należy jej uważać za ostateczną.


The 65th edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations incorporates all amendments made by the IATA Dangerous Goods Board and includes addenda issued by ICAO to the content of the 2023–2024 edition of the ICAO Technical Instructions. The following list is intended to assist the user to identify the main changes introduced in this edition and must not be considered an exhaustive listing. The changes have been prefaced by the section or subsection in which the change occurs.


2.3—Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers or Crew—The provisions for battery-powered mobility aids (— have been revised to include reference through a note to the guidance on the end-to-end processes associated with the carriage of mobility aids.

2.8.1—State Variations—The List ( and List of State Variations (2.8.2) have been revised to include variations submitted by Argentina and the Philippines, significant changes to the variations submitted by Poland and amended variations for existing States.

2.8.3—Operator Variations—The List ( and List of Operator Variations (2.8.4) have been revised to include variations submitted by China Postal Airlines, European Cargo, FITS Aviation, JEJUair and Ruili Airlines, significant changes to the variations submitted by Egyptair and amended variations for existing operators as identified by the applicable revision mark.

5—Packing Packing Instructions—Has been amended to identify that non-refillable cylinders containing a flammable gas are limited to a water capacity not exceeding 1.25 L. PI 952—Has been revised to include reference to “equipment”. PI 954—Has been revised to clarify that where packages contaiing dry ice are placed into an overpack that the total net quantity of dry ice in the overpack must be marked on the outside of the overpack.

6—Packaging Specifications and Performance Tests

6.0.3—The requirements and format for UN specification marks on packages have been clarified.

7—Marking and Labelling

7.1.7—Marking of Overpacks—Associated with the change to PI 954 the provisions for marks on overpacks have been revised to identify that where an overpack contains dry ice that the overpack must always be marked with the totel weight of dry ice in the overpack.

8—Documentation, Step 6—A new note has been added at the end of subparagraph (a) to reinforce that there is no requirement for the type, number and net quantity in inner packagings within the outer packaging of a combination packaging to be shown.

10—Radioactive Materials—An additional example of the description for the first sequence of information on the Shipper’s Declaration has been added to address where a radioactive material has a subsidiary hazard and the proper shipping name must be supplemented by the technical or chemical name.

10.8.6—Two new examples have been added to show how radioactive material with a subsidiary hazard should be described and how packages in an overpack should be shown. Appendix D—Contact details for competent authorities have been updated.

Appendix E—Changes have been made to the list of UN Specification Packaging Suppliers

(E.1) and the Package Testing Facilities

(E.2). Appendix F—The list of Sales Agents

(F.2) has been revised. IATA Accredited Training Schools

(F.3—F.5) have been updated to include entities that have joined the new CBTA Centre Program. Appendix H—Impending Changes—A new appendix has been added to this edition of the DGR to provide the detail of the changes that will come into effect as of 1 January 2025 based on the adoption of the changes arising from the 23rd revised edition of the UN Model Regulations as well as the changes that have been agreed to date by the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel for inclusion into the 2025–2026 edition of the Technical Instructions. These changes include:

● a new exception is shown in H.1.2.7 for data loggers and cargo trackers with installed lithium batteries. The exception is shown in square brackets as it is still subject to final confirmation by the ICAO DGP.

● a note is added to H. to clarify that where a lithium ion battery remains installed in a mobility aid, there is no Watt-hour limit.

● the indicative list of Category A pathogens has been amended to show monkey pox virus as being category A when in culture form only.

● in H., the exception for COVID-19 vaccines from the provisions of the Regulations has been modified to now apply to all pharmaceutical products, such as vaccines, that are packed in a form ready to be administered, including those in clinical trials.

● new classification provisions have been added to H. for sodium ion batteries.

● updates to the list of dangerous goods, which includes the following new entries:

– UN 0514, Fire suppressant dispersing devices, Division 1.4S;

– UN 3559, Fire suppressant dispersing devices, Class 9;

– UN 3554, Gallium contained in manufactuered articles;

– UN 3551, Sodium ion batteries, UN 3552, Sodium ion batteries contained in equipment and UN 3552, Sodium ion batteries packed with equipment, all in Class 9;

– UN 3556, Vehicle, lithium ion battery powered, UN 3557, Vehicle, lithium metal battery powered and UN 3558, Vehicle, sodium ion battery powered

● amendments and additions to special provisions, which include:

– modification to A40 to expand the application liquid desensitized explosives in Class 3 as well as wetted explosives in Division 4.1;

– modification to A69 to include reference to gallium; – modification to A88, A99, A146 and A154 to include application to sodium ion batteries;

– amendment to A107 to permit apparatus, articles or equipment containing dangerous goods to contain up to 5 L and/or 5 kg of environmentally hazardous substances;

– amendment to A185 and A214 to incorporate reference and requirements for the new entries of vehicles powered by lithium ion batteries, lithium metal batteries and sodium ion batteries;

– revision to A190 to clarify that Special Provision A2 does not apply to neutron radiation detectors shipped in accordance with A190.

● amendments and additions to packing instructions, which include:

– revision to PI 869 to include provisions for manufactured articles containing gallium; – revision to PI 952 to include provisions for vehicles powered by lithium ion batteries, lithium metal batteries and sodium ion batteries;

– revision to PI 961 to include UN 3559, Fire suppressant dispersing devices;

– addition of three new packing instructions for UN 3551, Sodium ion batteries, UN 3552, Sodium ion batteries packed with equipment and UN 3552, Sodium ion batteries contained in equipment.

● revision to the “lithium battery mark” to include reference to the new UN numbers for sodium ion batteries. The mark will become the “battery mark”;

● updates to the list of organic peroxides.

Tags: IATA, Transport lotniczy

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